Education & Training 

Self Defense / Safety Training

     Children assertiveness training "chicks Training"
     Safety Training for Women and Teens
     Self Defense for Security Forces
     "Safety on the streets of the world"
     "Night Shift" - Taxi / Public Transport

Personal Protection Courses

     Basic course A
     Advanced Level B
     Advanced Level C
     Training -  Director of Operations D

Driving Safety Training

     course A
     course B
     course C


     Use-related self-defense without weapons (hand2hand)
     Technology / tactics in use (Kubotan, flashlight, TKS, "Low Light")
     MES / Tonfa, tonfa Instructor Course
     Knife Combat

Shooting Training / Expertise - Knowledge

     Shooting training for armor-bearer
     Combat-Training for permanent legal armor-bearer
     Safe handling of guns "weapon handling for permanent armor-bearer"
     Shooting training / basic course
     Shooting training with handguns / long guns

Request for detailed education and training materials!